Jace and Jay chat about a few of the books that are hitting comic shops for the week of June 29, 2022. Particular highlights are Naughty List, Eight Billion Genies, Public Domain and Sins of the Black Flamingo. Also the guys give a rundown on some other titles you might want to be on the lookout for.
Jace and Rocky break down the DC Comics for the week of June 28, 2022. They both agree that Batman: Fortress #2 is their favorite book of the week as Batman shows his tenacity in going after the aliens threatening earth. Even in the face of loss he's determination never wavers. Deathstroke Year One, Action Comics and Task Force Z are also highlights. Listen in for all the details.
Jace has an in depth conversation about the upcoming Massive-Verse title The Dead Lucky. It's the debut series from writer Melissa Flores full of super-hero action with electrical powers and giant mechs set in San Francisco. Melissa draws on the experiences of those closest to her and her own cultural roots to bring a relatability and realism to the project. The gorgeous linework of French Carlomagno and colors of Mattia Iacono along with dynamic lettering from Becca Carey bring this book to live in a dynamic way. Be sure to pre-order as soon as possible.
Jace chats with writer/artist Reid Beaman about his World War I graphic novel The Stretcher Bearers. Focused on the unsung heroes of the war who risked their lives to retrieve wounded soldiers from the battlefield.
Maxwell Fox didn’t know what he would witness in France. America had only been in the Great War since April 2, 1917. Nothing could have prepared him for the horrors that awaited him and the rest of the men of the 4th Infantry “Ivy” Division. As the Meuse-Argonne Offensive raged on, Maxwell became assigned to a unit of stretcher bearers, men who were tasked with running into harm’s way to rescue their fallen brethren from the clutches of death. This wouldn’t be an easy job, but with Graham, Frank, and Ralph by his side, Maxwell had to rely on his team and hope to survive. A dark and honest look at the bond of brotherhood during war, The Stretcher Bearers tells the unforgettable tale of a young soldier trying to save the lives of wounded soldiers and keep the men he’d formed a bond with alive. But in the “war to end all wars,” no one was safe.
Jace talks spoiler-free about 16 books he has read already from this week's titles We get some great character work in Rogue Sun, Silver Coin is as horrific as ever and Amazing Spider-Man has a great twist. Plus the end of the latest arcs of Newburn and Arrowsmith and Jace gives a run down on some other titles you might wat to look out for this week.
Jace and Rocky break down the DC Comics issues for the week of June 21, 2022. In what may be the best week of DC Comics for the year, every title is great! So much so the guys have a hard time picking their favorite books for the week. Be sure to listen to this one to hear all about the great titles DC is putting out!
Jace chats with creator Chris Ryall about the return of a property Chris created with artist Ben Templesmith back in 2009, Groom Lake. A humorous, dark & weirdly relevant story about UFO's, conspiracies and aliens. Chris talks about why this was the right time to bring this back. He also discusses bringing on artist Nelson Daniel, with Templesmith being unavailable, Nelson unique blend of humor & darkness were a natural fit. There are tons of tiers with a great variety of rewards including original art, glow-in-the-dark pins, the original Groom Lake graphic novel and so much more.
Jace welcomes writer Ryan Parrott back to the show. They discuss Ryan's latest title Rogue Sun and the surprise twist at the end of #4. Plus plenty of talk about how personal this book is to Ryan. Also they guys discuss reader reaction & choosing a non-traditional main character, not the usual heroic type.
Jace and Jay chat about the books that are debuting in comic shops June 15, 2021. Some of the their favorites are Bunny Mask The Hollow Inside #2 that gives us a ton of insight into Bunny Mask as a character, Radiant Black #15 which features characters from C.O.W.L. and has a link to an animated Radiant Black animated short that is a must-watch and Eight Billion Genies #2 which continues the excellent start to the series as it perfectly balances the epic scope of the main idea with intimate character work.
Area 51: The Helix Project has had a successful run of 4 issues. The 5th exciting chapter begins its Kickstarter Campaign. Join Jace of the Comic Source Podcast and Rocky from Comic Boom! as they interview creator Trevor Fernando's-Lenkiewicz on what supporters to his Kickstarter campaign can expect from the various tiers that they can contribute to in the campaign and teases as to the next chapter of Area 51: The Helix Project.
Jace and Rocky break down the DC Comics issues for the week of June 14, 2022. It's a acrimonious week as the guys don't see eye to eye on many of the titles. Even the books they do like, they don't necessarily agree on what works well for those stories. Join us to see whose side you are on!
Jace chats with Barry Lyga about the new superhero anthology Generation Wonder. Filled with diverse heroes by diverse creators they are stories that truly reflect the world outside your window. Barry give is the lowdown story by story with some details about what each story is about. Plus the guys chat a bit about recruiting the writers for this project and why Barry decided to do it in the first place.
A high-flying YA anthology featuring 13 short stories that turn superhero tropes on their head and offer fresh perspectives on modern myths
Triumph. Tragedy. The empyreal. The infernal. Even the mundane, filtered through the fantastical. Superheroes are, appropriately enough, a sort of super-genre, encompassing all other story types.
This YA anthology features 13 short stories that creatively turn superhero tropes on their head, while still paying homage to the genre that has found fans for more than eight decades. And there will be no mistake—superheroes don’t have to just be generic handsome white dudes. Everyone in the world, no matter their race, sexual preference, pronouns, or level of ability, has dreamed of flying.
Contributors include six New York Times bestselling authors, seven multiple award winners, a founder of We Need Diverse Books, and at least one author with millions of books in print in the U.S. alone. The collection is edited by New York Times bestselling author Barry Lyga, and it also features illustrations from Colleen Doran—New York Times bestselling cartoonist, and artist of the legendary Stan Lee’s memoir. The full list of contributors includes: Barry Lyga, Paul Levitz, Sarah MacLean, Lamar Giles, Elizabeth Eulberg, Danielle Paige, Varian Johnson, Joseph Bruchac, Morgan Baden, Matthew Phillion, Anna-Marie McLemore, Sterling Gates, and Axie Oh.
Jace chats about the upcoming Skybound Comet line from Robert Kirkman's imprint with editor Alex Antone. Some amazing books from fantastic creators. The first wave is coming this year with more to follow next year. Alex gives us insight into building the line and what we can expect in terms of tone. Also we talk about recruiting new or underserved voices to bring more variety of stories to the line.
Rocky and Jace talk about all the stories in the latest celebration of inclusivity for LGBTQ+ characters & creators from DC Comics. A real who's who of characters from DC in this amazing anthology highlighted by the real-life story from legendary Batman actor Kevin Conroy. Heartfelt & brave, we hope Kevin's life experiences that he relates here inspire others to be true to themselves as well.
Jace and Jay talk about a few of the books hitting comic shops the week of June 8, 2022. We have three amazing AfterShock titles, including Astronaut Down, Jay's Book of the week. Jane Foster & the Mighty Thor is a ton of fun and very new reader friendly. Afterschool is a new horror anthology from Skybound and really has Jay impressed. The penultimate issue of the Hulk vs Thor story promises an epic conclusion. Meanwhile Jace cant' decide and chooses Twig & Metal Society both as his Books of the Week.
Jace and Rocky talk about the first issue of the big event from DC Crisis that runs until the end of the year. Just what the consequences of Dark Crisis will be and how it will change the DC Universe as we know it are still to be determined. So the question is, should you be reading this comic? Listen in to find out!
Jace and Rocky break down the DC books for the week of June 7, 2022. Dark Crisis kicks off and gets it's own spotlight as does DC Pride, but we get the debut of an intriguing if not horror inspired Black Label Aquaman story. Poison Ivy may be returning to her villianous roots, no pun intendedm while The Help continues to be a potential nemesis for Batman that has tons of potential. Speaking of Batman, the Thomas Wayne version knows he is not the detective his son is. What's more worrisome is the carte blanche he feels he due to his adamant belief that the very reality he inhabits should not exist.
Jace and Rocky break down the DC books for the week of June 7, 2022. Dark Crisis kicks off and gets it's own spotlight as does DC Pride, but we get the debut of an intriguing if not horror inspired Black Label Aquaman story. Poison Ivy may be returning to her villianous roots, no pun intendedm while The Help continues to be a potential nemesis for Batman that has tons of potential. Speaking of Batman, the Thomas Wayne version knows he is not the detective his son is. What's more worrisome is the carte blanche he feels he due to his adamant belief that the very reality he inhabits should not exist.
Jace and Jay chat about some of the books they have read for the week of June 1, 2022. Righteous Thirst for Vengeance is unbelievably brutal and so great. Clear comes to a satisfying conclusion with a very appropriate ending. We also have the end of the second arc of Alien which even is a call back to the first arc and a creepy horror debut from James Tynion IV. Strange and Captain Marvel are also excellent. Plus Jace gives a rundown on some other books you might want to be on the look out for.