Jace chats with Christopher Priest about his career in comics which is now entering it's sixth decade. They talk about he old days in the Marvel offices, how he developed his signature style and of course his classic runs on Black Panther and Deathstroke.
Spawn #34 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Two of Spawn's worst enemies come together and it looks to be a partnership that will cause Spawn big trouble down the line. Meanwhile, Al Simmons has plenty of trouble of his own as he gives into some of his baser instincts and takes out a drug dealer he thinks is strong-arming a kid, but according to Cagliostro, all is not what it seems.
Supermassive #1 - Writers - Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott & Mat Groom, Artist - Francesco Manna, Color Artist - Igor Monti, Letterer - Becca Carey, Designer - Michael Busuttil
Jace chats with the writers for the highly anticipate Image Comics superhero crossover SUPERMASSIVE This story features the debut of heroes, Inferno Girl Red & Rogue Sun, as they team up with Radiant Black to take on a new threat. Mat and Ryan talk about their excitement for fans to see their heroes for the first time as well as the anticipation the Massive Universe community has already shown for their characters. Also Kyle talks about the fun and freedom of creating stories with friends for characters that they own. Theirs a lot to unpack in this one. Don't forget to pre-order Supermassive as final Order Cut-off is January 24th with the issue hitting comic stores February 16th.
Spawn #33 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Spawn is worried his continuing presence amongst the homeless of the alleys he calls home is a threat to his friends. A perfect example of this danger is the Violater returning, but telling Spawn the can't go anywhere because by leaving the Violater will attack Spawn's friends and cause the very thign Spawn is trying to avoid. What will our hero do to get out of this one? Meanwhile Terry completes his transfer to Wynn's department as both men make plans to surveille one another.
High Level - Writer - Rob Sheridan Artists - Barnaby Bagenda, Amancay Nahuelpan & Omar Francia, Color Artists - Romulo Fajardo Jr, Letterer - Nate Piekos
Jace has an in-depth conversation with creator Rob Sheridan about his DC Vertigo book HIGH LEVEL. They chat about Rob's background in visual design and how it informed the story, the density of Rob's scripts & collaboration with series artist Barnaby Bagenda and Rob's desire for the story to be more than the typical word circling the drain narrative. Plus Rob's confirms his desire to finish the series and where the property currently sits. All this plus a whole lot more in this wide ranging talk.
Spawn #32 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Spawn finds out who took his friend Bobby and wastes no time in mounting a rescue. We see that his costume ha indeed evolved and has a much different look, but we aren't sure why. Once the battel begins, Spawn has an unexpected ally and one he doesn't even realize helped in rescuing his friend.
Spawn #31 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Spawn is back in New York and back the alleys he calls home, but not everyone is glad to see him. As he is settling, his closets friend and ally is attacked by an old foe and Spawn, seemingly stil weak from hsi latest encounter with Angela, is powerless to save Bobby. Is this the motivation Spawn needs to finally heal so he can rescue his friend?
Spawn #31 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Spawn is back in New York and back the alleys he calls home, but not everyone is glad to see him. As he is settling, his closets friend and ally is attacked by an old foe and Spawn, seemingly stil weak from hsi latest encounter with Angela, is powerless to save Bobby. Is this the motivation Spawn needs to finally heal so he can rescue his friend?
Spider-Woman Spotlight with Karla Pacheco
The Comic Source Podcast
Spider-Woman - Writer - Karla Pacheco, Artist - Pere Perez, Color Artist - Frank D'Armata, Letterer - Travis Lanham
Jace chats with writer Karla Pacheco about her incredible series Spider-Woman. Karla gives her philosophy on constantly pushing the boundaries with the narrative, plus we learn all about her collaboration with series artist, Pere Perez. Lots of talk about the relatability of the character & pulling from the foundations that others have laid as well as bringing in family & supporting characters in her run.. To top it all off Karla gives us the explanation behind the Wham lyrics in issue #18!
Jace and Jay talk about some of the books hitting comic shops the week of January 19, 2022. The Silver Coin #8, She-Hulk #1 and Arrowsmith #1 are some of our favorites. Plus we give a run down on some other books you might want to be on the lookout for.
Thoughtscape #2 - Writer - Matt Mair Lowery, Artists - Grim Wilkins, Dave Law, Karl Slominski, Tyrell Canon, Jacob Edgar, Color Artist - Lesley Atlansky
Jace chats with writer Matt Mair Lowery about the second volume of his sci-fi anthology, Thoughtscape. This book contains a wide variety of stories all occurring in a shared universe where thoughts are currency and many things are not what they seem. Jace and Matt, discuss the format and collaboration amongst creators as well as the campaign and community built up around the first volume of Thoughtscape.
Spawn #30 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Spawn is still far form home, Not wanting to use his energy to teleport back to New York he is traveling by foot through the South when he encounters members of the KKK terrorizing local Black farmers. Spawn may have not had experience with child abuse and we can speculate on whether that led him to a poor decision last issues, but Al Simmons knows racism from personal experience. Just what until you see how justice is served in this story.
DC Spotlight January 11, 2022 Releases
Spawn #29 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - Greg Capullo & McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Fresh off a battle with Angela (No, we haven't read that yet either), Spawn finds himself in need of a place to hide out and gets help from an unlikely ally. As it turns out though, this person may need Spawn's help more than Spawn needed his. It's an emotional story and one that broaches an uncomfortable subject.
Spawn #28 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - McFarlane & Greg Capullo, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Spawn decides to use Curse himself as a living warning sign for all the psychos who may came after him next. Meanwhile Curse has abandoned his faith and swears he will have his revenge on Spawn. While all this is happening, Wanda Blake decides to head to the alleys of New York at night, all alone to search for Spawn. It goes about as well as you'd expect, but will Spawn be there to save her?
Spawn #27 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - McFarlane & Greg Capullo, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
In this episode of Spawn Daily we meet Curse. A fanatical believer in God who has sacrificed a lot in the name of finding Peace. Don't ask us how his love & desire for peace means blowing a huge hole in Spawn's chest because we're not sure either.
Spawn #26 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Art - McFarlane & Greg Capullo, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
It feels like a shift back to the Heaven vs Hell narrative that we saw the series focus on in the early issues. So much of the recent storylines have focused on the mob angle and Al Simmons past. Now it's time to lean back into the supernatural.
Spawn #25 - Story - Todd McFarlane, Pencils - Marc Silvestri, Inkers - Batt & Billy Tan, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Brian Haberlin
The legendary Marc Silvestri joins Spawn for one issue during October 1994 for the Image Creator Crossover month. We wonder if the issue itself has a bit of a different narrative feel because McFarlane played to Silvestri's strength, but this is a quicker read than a lot of the early Spawn issues.
Spawn #24 - Story & Art - Todd McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
We get the conclusion of The Hunt storyline as all the thread that have been running the last three issues come together. It's a bit of an abrupt ending but ultimately it wraps up everything. We just wonder a bit about some of the decisions Spawn makes.
Jace and Jay talk about some of the books hitting comic shops the week of January 12, 2022. Stillwater, Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are real highlights. Plus we give a run down on some other books you might want to be on the lookout for.
Spawn #23 - Story & Art - Todd McFarlane, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
We finally see the big battle between Spawn and the new and improved Overt-kill, but it doesn't exactly go Spawn's way. Don't worry though, help comes from an expected ally and it looks like Spawn may have survived? Meanwhile, Wanda's neighbors are surprisingly vulnerable to Jason Wynn's machinations and we speculate on whether it will be her or Terry Fitzgerald who learns of Spawn's true identity first.
DC Spotlight January 11, 2022 Releases
The Comic Source Podcast
La Mano del Destino - Story & Art by J. Gonzo
Jace chats with Chicano creator J. Gonzo about his creator owned comic La Mano del Destino. Focusing on the vibrant world of Lucha Libre with heroes and characters that have their roots in Mexican culture, La Mano del Destino is a story we can all relate to. Jace and J. talk about the series and it's success, the ideas of identity and how important cultural origins can be when creating heroes.
All the different threads start to come together as the mob sets up terry Fitzgerald for a run in with Overt-kill, Meanwhile Sam and Twitch track down Spawn just as he learns that Overt-kill is about to murder Terry, all the pieces are in place for non-stop action!
Spawn #21 - Story & Art - Todd McFarlane Inks - Mark Pennington, Letters - Tom Orzechowski, Colors - Steve Oliff
Todd McFarlane returns to both penciling and writing duties as we get a bit of a catch up issue. Sam and Twitch are still tracking to track down their red-caped mystery man, Terry Fitzgerald is still being investigated but now he knows about it and we know that Jason Wynn has returned. Plus the Mob hasn't forgotten about Spawn and have declared way, which looks to include the return of Overtkill.