Jace and Rocky close out 2024 with the final week of indie titles. We get three books from ghost Machine with Geiger providing a bit of a Hulk vibe and Redcoat showing that Simon Pure is a character you can tell any type of story with. Hornsby & Halo's second issue shows that the story is much bigger than we first thought and Rocky chooses it as his book of the week. We get some spectacular art in Violator as it provides some alternate history. Speaking of history, Dust to Dust is set during the Great Depression with a serial killer loose in a small town. Join us to hear our thoughts on these titles and more.
Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics titles for the final week of 2024. It is a huge week with 17 titles hitting the stands but it is a bit underwhelming as we get the third issue of Gargoyle of Gotham with the book losing momentum because of such a long dealy between issues. The final issue of Batman Brave and the Bold is also a bit of a let down with a lack of memorable stories and Powergirl also continues to disappoint. On the other hand the debut of Metamorpho is very strong and the Phantom Zone story in Action Comics comes to a very satisfying conclusion. Justive League Unlimited also continues to be a must-read. Green Arrow, Superman, Batman The Last Halloween and Black Canary: Best of the Best round the impressive titles for the week.
Jace and Rocky chat about the year that was in DC Comics and give some stats on what made Picks of the Week. Also plenty of talk about the Superman trailer, what they thought worked and what didn't. Plus some goals for 2025. Plenty of random tangents in this one as the guys let the conversation take them where it will. We hope you enjoy it and Happy Holidays!
Jace welcomes the super-talented Scott Snyder back to the show, The guys chat about holiday plans, the Yankees and the upcoming Wytches animated series. Plus, comics, of course! Scott has had a tremendous amount of creator owned projects come out in the last few years and now he has returned to DC with Absolute Batman. The comics talk starts with By A Thread, a series Scott co-writes with his son, Jack. Also, the Eisner-award winning Barnstormers series with Tula Lotay is discussed. Canary, White Boat, Night of the Ghoul and tons more titles are touched on before finishing up with Absolute Batman. It's a fun time, so we hope you enjoy it!
We had a couple of creators forced to cancel on us due to some scheduling conflicts and family obligations. So to be sure we hit the full 12 episodes and have the chance to give away all 12 Global Comix codes for free subscriptions, we are representing this episde for 2021 spotlighting Klaus. This series from Grant Morrison and Dan Mora is probably the most action packed and fantastical series about Santa that is out there. Drawing on Santa Claus' wilder roots in Viking lore and Siberian shamanism-taking in the creepier side of Christmas, and characters like the sinister Krampus-Klaus is a "Santa Claus: Year One."
Jace is joined by Skylar Patridge to chat about her upcoming title from Image under the Horizon Experiment imprint, Finders/Keepers. It's an action-adventure story inspired by characters like Indiana Jones, only this time instead of finding relics to place in museums, Ines Guarua is stealing them from museums to return them to their native cultures. Skylar takes about respecting what museums do in preserving and honoring art, but that she along with co-creator/writer Vita Ayala, want to start a conversation about the ethical pitfalls that exist currently with removing artifacts from their indigenous people and possibly exploiting them.
Jace is joined by veteran comic creators Rick Remender and Paul Azaceta to talk all aboout their upcoming project from Image Comics under the Giant Generator imprint, The Seasons. Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn are the Season Sisters and the daughters of the world famous Seasons Detectives. Ten years ago, their parents disappeared under mysterious circumstances which brought the girls closer together. They may need those close bonds more than ever though, as something sinister is coming. Rick and Paul talk about the feel of the story they want to tell and how they are bringing something new and exciting to the visuals for this book. It's clear from the art we have seen from Paul so far, their is an air of whimsy to the story that will, perhaps, balace out the more thrilling aspects of the story.
Jace is joined by award winning artist, painter and frequent cover artist for the New Yorker magazine Eric Drooker. Eric talks about Naked City, the third volume in his City graphic novel trilogy. Filled with relatable moments, it is the poignant story of three bohemians on the edge of the city struggling to answer the question: Is it possible to survive as an in the 21st century? Jace and Eric get into the character, motivations and perspective of the three main characters and also discuss how their struggles can relate to anyone trying to just survive in the modern world when so much wealth is in the hand of so few. The guys also talk about Eric's visual choices when it comes to the sequential art and letting the images carry the story with minimal dialogue. It's a fantastic discussion and an OGN you shouldn't miss.
Jace welcomes co-writers Ryan Parrott and John Ridley along with artist Mike Perkins to the show to chat about Justice League: The Atom Project. In the aftermath of Absolute Power, we already know that some people didn't get there powers back while others had their powers altered. Perhaps, of greater concent is the fact that many people, kids especially, who are unprepared to weild powers have found that they now posses dangerous abilities. It is up to the combined skills and brain power of the two superheroes who go by the monikor of Atom, Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi, to solve this mystery. Just how are they going to do this? Well they need someone to experiment on, enter the third Atom, Captain Atom. His powers have seemingly disappeared, but maybe not completely and how might the experiements change him? As the story unfolding in two seperate time frames showing Nathaniel Adam during the attempts to restore his powers and after something has gone horribly wrong. This story is sure to have major repercussions on Captain Atom and the entire DC Universe so be sure to pick it up.
Jace and Rocky review several independent titles for the week of December 18. 2024. Power Fantasy continues to be top-notch as does Tin Can Society, both are excellent examples of character pieces with the narratives driven by the interpersoanl relationships of the characters. Freddie the Fix is beautifully illustrated and harkens back to Old Hollywood in a lot of ways, Exit City and String from Mad Cave Studios are also continuing their compelling narratives and superb art while defining unique worlds and settings. Star trek is building towards the Lore War and Standstill reminds us of one of our facorite scenes from one of our favorite movies. Rocketfellers is an absolute joy and celebration of Christmas time and family, while Deadly Tales of the Gunslinger somehow exceeds the extremely high expectations we had for the series from the start.
Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics titles for the week of December 18, 2024. It's a huge week as we head into Christmas and the end of the year. The Plastic Man mini comes to an end, as do the All Winter and Hellblazer: Dead in America series all in a very satisfying fashion. We also get the debut of two new series with Challengers of the Unknown and New Gods, but starting. Catwoman and The Question both continue their quality storytelling and the Green Lantern/Green Arrow Special is a fun trip down memory lane. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in the Batman Santa Silent Knight Series, while the Titans series is giving us some team angst we haven't seen from these younger heroes in quite awhile. Nightwing, Jenny Sparks, Action Comics & Shadow Cabinet are also very good with some fun moments in each. The real highlights of the week though are Absolute Batman as it continues to push the envelope for an original take on, not just Batman, but Gotham City itself and Wonder Woman, as we get Detective Chimp channeling a certain beloved TV Detective.
Coming in 2025 we are ramping up the Ghost Machine coverage. We will start with some deep reviews for all the titles going page by page and talking about the story beats and themes. We kick it off with the first Ghost Machine release, Geiger. This title actually predates Ghost Machine as a company as was released under the Mad Ghost imprint. Jace is joined by co-host Cody, who is checking out these books for the first time, so join to see what't in store for 2025 with Ghost Machine. Plus we continue our Global Comix giveaways.
Jace is joined by writer Paul Tobin to talk about his series, String, from Mad Cave Studios. Starring a young woman who can see 'strings' that connect people who have been intimate or murdered and those they are about to kill. Yoon often works with the police to try and solve murders by following the black strings, but it's the blue strings that connect sexual partners that often have people feeling uncomfortable around her. Things are completely turned upside down in her life, when she wakes up one day to find a black string emanating from herself. Does this mean Yoon is about to kill or be killed? Either way, with the help of a reluctant police officer, Luke, she hopes to find the answer before it's too late.
Jace is joined by creator Reilly Brown and his son Will, to talk about their project Thunder Guardian. Created from an original idea by Will and illustrated by Reilly, Thunder guardian originally was published in a local newspaper in strip format. Reailly and Will have brought the story to Zoop collecting the strips so far and expanding on the story. Plus there are other great rewards in the campagin including commissions from Reilly and Will. Listen in for all the details and some talk about what the holiday season holds in store for Reilly, Will and their family. Plus our Global Comix giveaway.
Jace welcomes Jeremy Adams back to the show to kick off the 12 Days of the Comic Source for 2024. Jeremy has been building up the scope of his Green Lantern story since the beginning and it has hit all new levels with the end of the Civil Corp War, but that is just the beginning. The emotional spectrum is fractured and anyone can tap into those energies, even if they don't have a ring. Plus, there may be even more spectrums that were previously known about. With so much story coming, it was too much for one title, so Jeremy teases what's coming in Green Lantern Corps with co-writer Morgan Hampton. Meanwhile over in Aquaman, Jeremy is looking to establish more characterization for Arthur than the standard "stoic ruler from two worlds" that seems to be Aquaman's default, but don't worry, there will be plenty of action and wild ideas, like Aquaman in ... space?!?!?!
Jace and Rocky chat about some of their favorite indie titles for the week of December 11, 2024. Brood is an excellent addition to the Minor Threats universe drawing inspiration from stories like Succession and Royal Tenenbaums. Minor Arcana continues to be an intense character piece from Jeff Lemire who is a master of the craft. In Bloom introduces us to a world where mutation are desired and even considered beautiful, but be careful what you wish for. Doll Parts gives us an early look at the world of Lovesick and The City Beneath Her Feat is an absolute must-read mash up of 60 mod style and romantic crime-noir.
Jace and Rocky are back to chat about the DC Comics titles for the week of December 11, 2024. Batman Dark Patterns debuts by reminding people why he is called the World's Greatest Detective. We see how Lois gained her powers in the Superwoman Special, but only have hints as to whose powers they might be. Meanwhile, the betrayals in the world of vampires are coming fast and furious in World War V. We have the most realistic characterization yet of Bruce and Damian's relationship as it begins to mature while in the pages of Green Lantern the Civil Corp War is over, but an even bigger threat looms.
Jace welcomes creators Ryan Browne and Charles Soule back to the show to talk about their latest project together , The Lucky Devils. Following up on the heels of the wildly successful Eight Billion Genies, this time the guys are exporing a concept that might feel familier, the little devils who sit on our shoulders and try to tempt us in all sorts of ways. In a classid Soule/Browne twist, the guys are taking that oft-used idea and putting their own unique stamp on it by showing us how they devils live and strike to become successful in a socially stuctured of hell that is not so very different from the ideas of capitalism we are all familiar with. Add in some tropes about social media, influencers and the power of financial weatlth and you have the makings for something wildly fun, but also extremely relevant. Join us to learn all about it!
Jace welcomes Heath Corson back to the show to talk about his series set in the Minor Threats universe, Brood. Jordan Blum joins also as a first time guest and talks about the conception of the Minor Threats universe conceived by himself and Patton Oswalt. The guys get into the impetus of the Brood series and how it is partially inspired by Heath's own family life and childhood and the Wes Anderson cult classic The Royal Tennebaums. Telling the story of Napoleon Archimedes, one of the premiere villains in the world of Minor Threats and his children who he hopes will carry on his legacy. Unfortunately, they don't quite live up to his hopes or do they and Archimedes just can't see it. An incredible cast and superb characterizaion make this a worthy addition to the world of Minor Threats. Add in detailed art from I.N.J Culbard and you have a must-read series.
Jace and Rocky talk about a few of the independent titles out the week of December 4, 2024. It's a bit of a smaller week, but the guys talk about a few holiday specials, the second issue of Hour of the Wolf and the debut of a book that reminds of the incredibly popular Morning Glories. Plus Jace gives a run down on some other titles you might want to be on the lookout for.
Jace and Rocky chat about the DC titles for the week of December 4, 2024. it's a big week with the Lady Shiva/Batgirl relationship continuing to be explored. Meanwhile, in Birds of Prey Cass has an entirely different challenge to overcome and her teammates may not be able to help. Speaking of teams, the JSA are divided and under attack by the Injustice Society with things looking bleak, can they turn it around? Batman Silent Knight Returns and the Batman Smells Anthology both celebrate the holiday season. The main Batman title has the caped crusader discovering why Jim Gordon may be involved in Mayor Nakano's death, but whether he can convince others remains to be seen. Lil Batman prepares to ramp up the action next issue while Absolute Superman #2 is action-packed from start to finish with nearly the entire issue being narrated by Lois Lane. Join us to hear more about these titles plus a whole lot more.
Jace welcomes Jeremy Whitley back to the show to chat about The Cold Ever After. Set in a fantasy world rich with an Arthurian feel, there's plenty of romance, mystery and betrayal in this original graphic novel. Jeremy chats about some of the themes of duty, obligation and famil that he wanted to explore and how that contrasts with the ideas of love and sacrifice. The characterizations are rich and complex as well, which works perfectly with the clean art style of Megan Huang. Join us to learn all about the book.
Jim Krueger returns to the show to talk about his short story collection just in time for Christmas. A wonderful collection of holiday inspired stories that show trendous range from connections to holiday classic stories you know, such as A Christmas Carol and Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, to wholly original stories that capture the supernatural roots of the earliest origins of Christmas. Jim even includes a story inspired by the real life events of his mother in the aftermath of World War II. This is the perfect book to share with friends and family this holiday season and start a new tradition of sharing spooky holiday stories every holiday season.
Jace and Rocky chat about some of the independent comics for the week of November 27, 2024. tin Can Society continues to be absolutely excellent with some of the best and most realistic character work in comics currently. Hyde Street and Hornsby and Halo from Ghost Machine are both high quality and worthy of being picks of the week though they just got edged out. Star Trek: Defiant sets up more pieces for Lore War, coming next year while Grommets is heading towards it's series finale with plenty of emotion. Joun u as we talk about all these books and more.
Jace and Rocky spotlight their favorite DC Comics titles for the week of November 27, 2024. The second issue of Absolute Wonder Woman builds upon the debut with the introduction of Steve Trevor and even bigger monsters. Justice League Unlimited launches with an incredbiel balance of huge scope and intimate moments. Detective Comics has Bruce turning to Superman for advice on whether to attempt to turn back the clock. Superman is confronted by Doomsday, but we get more questions that answers about the future version of the villain and a glimpse of Superman possible loving control is also very interesting for what it might mean. Finally, Best of the Best, Black Canary offeres incredible character work and art from the creative team while delving into very interesting themes of legacy and what it means to be family.