
The Comic Source Podcast

The Comic Source is the title of a group of podcasts focusing on comic books. It includes The Comic Source Podcast, The Top Cow Chronology Project, Creator Interviews, Convention Coverage and so much more. Grab your headphones and join us today!
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Feb 12, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics for the week of February 12, 2025. Three different Batman books that are all wildly entertaining. Action Comics ramps up with its latest arc and Black Lightning is incredibly fast paced also. Meanwhile, the Green Lantern Corps is reasserting itself as the peacekeeping force in the universe. Join the guys to hear about all the DC books for the week.

Feb 11, 2025

Jace is joined by the co-creators of Adventureman, Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson to talk about the series overall and their plans for it's return with the fourth volume coming soon. A pulp inspired adventure story with a huge cast, Adventureman is a fan-favorite series with gorgeous art from Terry where he gets to cut loose and draw all the things he loves from archetechture to amazing costumes. Meanwhile, Matt welcomes the challenge of balancing a huge cast with ensuring all the characters have their moment to shine. It's clear from the joy infused in the story that the creative time is hacing a blast makign this book, which only increases it's readability and raises the entertainment level. This is a must-read series that wouldn't work the same in any other medium, it's a wonderful book to share with young readers and the new volume it the perfect place to jump on. Check out our chat with Matt and Terry and be sure to pre-order from your retailer today!

Feb 10, 2025

Jace is joined by writers Christopher Golden and Thomas Sneigoski to talk about the latest volume in the Frankenstein: New World setting. It's the far future of Mike Mignola's Hellboy Universe and a small remnant of mankind remains, surviving deep below earth's surface. With rumors that the old world above is uninhabitable Frankenstein, spurred by thte visions of a young girl, awakens after having slept for thousands of years. What will he and this young girl find on the surface above? Only time will tell, but as they begin to expore, searching for the source of the visions they are pursued by a malevelont enitity and confronted by an ancient evil that is both familair and new. Steeped with the same classic, mythological feel of all the stories in the Hellboy Universe, this is a must read for Hellboy and comic fans.

Feb 5, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about three indie titles for the week of February 5, 2025. Grim is reaching new heights of character drama. Juvenile continues it's excellent premise and Rocketfellers is firing on all cylinders, Joi us for our thoughts on these titles and a run down on what other books you may want to be on the lookout for.

Feb 5, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics titles for the week of January 29, 2025. It is a small week with the fifth Wednesday of the month. We have two anthologies with the DC Valentine's Day special Lex and the City and the DC Power. Then the Superman: Lex Luthor Special and the latest issue of Green Lantern. While the anthologies don't feel that connected to current DC events, the Lex special and Green Lantern issues are very much building on recent events on their respective titles.

Jan 30, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics titles for the week of January 29, 2025. It is a small week with the fifth Wednesday of the month. We have two anthologies with the DC Valentine's Day special Lex and the City and the DC Power. Then the Superman: Lex Luthor Special and the latest issue of Green Lantern. While the anthologies don't feel that connected to current DC events, the Lex special and Green Lantern issues are very much building on recent events on their respective titles.

Jan 28, 2025

Jace welcomes J.G Jones to the show to chat about his recently released title under the Giant Generator imprint at Image Comics, Dust to Dust. J.G. has been working on this story along with co-writer Phil Bram for over 10 years. Set during the Great Depression among the hopeless barren fields of Oklahoma, there is a killer stalking the deperate citizens of the Dust Bowl. J.G. is illustrating the tale beautifully with some of the best art of his career with minimal colors infusing the story with a sense of bleakness. The guys chat about the painstakign research J.G. has done to get the visuals right and also, how he and Bram dialed in the scripting to bring a sense of realism to the dialogue. The pacing is another aspect of the story that the two collaborators paid very close attention to as they slowly ramp up the action. There's a lot more to discover in this one, so be sure to pick up ths series that will run for 8 issues and let your retailer know that you want to pre-order!

Jan 28, 2025

Jace welcomes Kyle Higgins back to the show to chat about the new era of Radiant Black. Dubbed 'Rebuild" the story picks up about 5 months after the momentous events of the Catalyst War. Marshall is the one and only Radaint Black now with Nathan Burnett having decided to head back to California to pursue other opportunities. So great for Marshall now that he has full control of the Radiant all the time, right? Not so fast, the wreckage and devastation from the war remain and the consequences of that and how the public percieves Radiant Black may prove to be Marshall's toughest challenge yet. There's tons to unpack in issue #31 which returns Radiant Black to it's monthly schedule. Kyle teases what's to come with some details on a new villain, an upcoming crossover and a whole lot more. Join us to get all the details!

Jan 24, 2025

Jace welcomes writer Richard Ashley Hamilton back to the show to talk about Tectiv. Set in a post-post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, it's a book in Mad Cave's Maverick line, but it is definitely for all ages. Incredible layered storytelling offers a very entertaining read on the surface while just below are intriguing themes of self-identity, building a community  and fears of what the future may hold. The main character Bingo Finder is the only literate person in her community, so when her best friend goes missing, inspired by the pulpy detective novels she has read, she throws on a Fedora and trench coat to become a Tectiv and goes in search of clues. Featuring luch art, wonderful linework and emotional character acting in the art from Marco Matrone this is a wonderful graphic novel that will make a compelling bed time read to share with young readers and foster a love of the medium. Highest possible recommendation.


Jan 23, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about the Independent books for the week of January 22, 2024. It's an incredible week as the guys had a tough time narrowing down which boosk to talk about and then even a tougher time picking their respective Book of the Week. Life from DSTLRY continues to be equal parts disturbing, action-packed and thought provoking a must-read for sure! Hyde Street gives us a holiday tale we wish had been in time for Christmas, but that doesn't lessen it's impact or the brilliant way it contextualizes the residents of Hyde Street and hints at their motivations. Deadly Tales of the Gunsliger also hints at some origins and motivations and we are excited to learn more in this slow burn western with perfect art. Revolution ( and Hour of the Wolf both continue to build to the Mad Cave summer crossover. In Bloom nearly takes Rocky's pick for favorite title of the week with it's eerie story and creepy art. Tin Can Society comes for close as Jace's pick with an absolutely shocking final page. Ultimately, Rocky chooses Time Waits for it's relatively happy and emotional ending which celebrates a life well lived. Jace picks Vicarious, which very much fits into the theme this week of what it means to live a laugh, what gives life meaning and how it can be taken for granted. Just an incredible week of books. Join us to hear about these titles and more!

Jan 23, 2025

Jace talks about a few of the Indie books for the week of January 15, 2025. Finders/Keepers gives us a "reverse" Indiana Jones, who steals artifacts from museums and returns them to their rightful indigenous peoples, it's the latest entry into the Horizon Experiment. The first volume of Skin Police has a crazy ending and we can't wait for volume 2. Brood and Minor Arcana both continue their excellent narratives leaning heavily on expert characterization from their respective writers. You Won't Feel a Thing is an incredible debut focusing on a detective dealign with early onset dementia tryign to hold on long enough to catch the one serial killer that has eluded him his entire career and may be someone he grew up with.

Jan 22, 2025

Pretty big week of DC Comics titles and Rocky and Jace break them all down. With fourteen titles the guys have 3 overlaps in their top 5 and they have the same Book of the Week. You'll have to listen in to find out which books are which. Wonder Woman has some epic battles and art, while her Absolute version has what Jace thinks is the best issue yet. Little Batman is so much fun, it is a must-read for younger fans. The mystery in Detective Comics deepens, Black Canary is full of action, Superman fights side by side with Doomsday, wha? Green Arrow gets really street with gorgeous art and we love the direction the title is taking. Join us to hear about all these books and more!

Jan 21, 2025

Mark Waid is back! He stops by to talk about Justice League Unlimited #3 as a follow up to our conversation with him before the first issue dropped. Mark comments on the reveal for Airwave and whether even he kjnew that was coming when he was last on the show! That leads to a deeper discussion on his method of writing and how he keeps all the plates spinning, Plus some talk about the Inferno and what he can tease about them and how he loved getting a chance to writer Dr Occult who will have a big role soon. The guys also talk about the incredible artwork and colors from Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain, respectively. The last page cliffhanger is teased also. Be sure you are pre-ordering and reading every issue of Justice League Unlimited!

Jan 16, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics titles for the week of January 15, 2025. It's a big week with 13 titles dropping. The epic nature of the Jeremy Adams Green Lantern run continues to expand, while the stakes on the JL Watchtower are raised and we begin to question whether The Question can handle them. Nice House by the Sea and Batman and Robin Year One both  give us more of the same from their respective series and that is excellent paced storytelling. We also love how Nightwing and Titans both are building and improving on the runs that came before. Meanwhile Challengers of the Unknown and The New Gods both feature an incredible balance of supernatural and human elements mixed with the old and the new.

Jan 10, 2025

Jace is joined by Jason Aarona and Mahmud Asrar to talk about Bug Wars. An eclectic mix of two of Jason's favorite types oif stories growing up, the hidden civilazations of "tiny people" who live at our feet. like The Littles or The Borrowers, and mythical fantasy. Joined by superstar artist Mahmud Asrar, these two creators are building an amazingly rich world that combines the best elements of both. Jason describes it as Honey, I Shrunk the Kids meets Game of Thrones. The guys discuss the first issue and the elements of bringing these two types of stories together and also some hints of how the main character goes from our world to the sprawling land of The Yard. With roots in Jason's childhood, from the stories he created in his own backyard as a child, to the amazing and inventive design work from Mahmud, this is an incredible story and a must-read debut issue. There's plenty more to the conversation so join us to learn more and pre-order the book now! Final Order Cut-Off is January 20th and Bug Wars hits comics shops on Feruary 12th. 


Jan 9, 2025

Jace and Rocky chat about all the DC Comics titles dropping the week of January 8, 2025. Aquaman's debut is extremely intriguing and has a final page you have to see to believe. Absolute Batman #4 gives us a masterful story containing his Year One Origin perfectly. DC Vs Vampires has a very big bad show up, but whose side is he on? The father/son dynamics in Batman and Robin continue to be excellent as does the art and story in Batman: Dark Patterns.

Jan 9, 2025

Jeremy Adams returns to the show to tell us all about the upcoming Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum Special and how it leads inot Green Lantern #19. Tons to talk about when it comes to other lanterns be they Green, Violet or any color of the Spectrum. Also what's up with the Guardians since they've returned and who is the big bad that is looking to take advantage of the wild Spectrum energy right now and fracture it completely? Oh and don't sleep on the secrets revealed about the Book of OA and how that may just change everything we know about the Spectrum.

Jan 8, 2025

Jace welcomes Scott Snyder back to the show to talk about Absolute Batman #4, with Nick Dragotta taking a break on the art, Gabriel Walta brings his unique style to the book to give us a very emotional story that covers the earliest days of this version of Batman. Scott talks about how Absolute Batman embodies the distrust of authority and anger we all may be feeling right now as we look at the world around us. Grounded in family and father/son relationships as well, we get to see a Bruce Wayne who grows throughout the story, but never stops fighting. It is a powerful story that sets up the end of the first arc, Zoo, coming with issues 5 & 6.

Jan 8, 2025

Jace runs solo on the Indie Spotlight for the week of January 8, 2025. With get an amazing issue of Geiger with gorgeous art as our hero struggles to contain his powers which seem to be spiraling out of control. The creative team behind 100 Bullets, Azzarello & Risso, continue their masterful western Blood Brothers Mother at DSTLRY. Plus the second chapter of Juvenile and the debut of The Lucky Devils. The latter from the creative team of Charles Soule and Ryan Browne is a must-read, wirh fantastic art, an interesting premises and loads of humanity.

Jan 3, 2025

It's a small week if indies to kick off 2025, but Rocky and Jace talk about a couple of books. Plus, we annouce the winners of the Global Comix contest! Email Jace at if  you won to claim your prize.

Jan 2, 2025

Jace and Rocky kick off the new year with the first of the DC Spotlights that will be released every week talkign about all the DC titles to hit comic shops. There are a lot of great titles to kick off the year with Two-Face giving a wonderful procedural feel and startign to show just how important Harvey Dent is to the White Church, the court of crime attempting to keep the peace in the Gotham underworld. The penultimate issue of this era of Batman brings back a fan favorite villain, but just how is is back and why, remains to be seen. We have a new era of Captain Atom, but the mystery of how he got his powers back after Absolute Power and what those powers might be, is yet to be revealed. We also have what may be the best issue of Absolute Superman so far and it is possible that this might be the best era of Superman, ever.

Dec 30, 2024

Jace and Rocky close out 2024 with the final week of indie titles. We get three books from ghost Machine with Geiger providing a bit of a Hulk vibe and Redcoat showing that Simon Pure is a character you can tell any type of story with. Hornsby & Halo's second issue shows that the story is much bigger than we first thought and Rocky chooses it as his book of the week. We get some spectacular art in Violator as it provides some alternate history. Speaking of history, Dust to Dust is set during the Great Depression with a serial killer loose in a small town. Join us to hear our thoughts on these titles and more.

Dec 29, 2024

Jace and Rocky chat about the DC Comics titles for the final week of 2024. It is a huge week with 17 titles hitting the stands but it is a bit underwhelming as we get the third issue of Gargoyle of Gotham with the book losing momentum because of such a long dealy between issues. The final issue of Batman Brave and the Bold is also a bit of a let down with a lack of memorable stories and Powergirl also continues to disappoint. On the other hand the debut of Metamorpho is very strong and the Phantom Zone story in Action Comics comes to a very satisfying conclusion. Justive League Unlimited also continues to be a must-read. Green Arrow, Superman, Batman The Last Halloween and Black Canary: Best of the Best round the impressive titles for the week.

Dec 25, 2024

Jace and Rocky chat about the year that was in DC Comics and give some stats on what made Picks of the Week. Also plenty of talk about the Superman trailer, what they thought worked and what didn't. Plus some goals for 2025. Plenty of random tangents in this one as the guys let the conversation take them where it will. We hope you enjoy it and Happy Holidays!

Dec 24, 2024

Jace welcomes the super-talented Scott Snyder back to the show, The guys chat about holiday plans, the Yankees and the upcoming Wytches animated series. Plus, comics, of course! Scott has had a tremendous amount of creator owned projects come out in the last few years and now he has returned to DC with Absolute Batman. The comics talk starts with By A Thread, a series Scott co-writes with his son, Jack. Also, the Eisner-award winning Barnstormers series with Tula Lotay is discussed. Canary, White Boat, Night of the Ghoul and tons more titles are touched on before finishing up with Absolute Batman. It's a fun time, so we hope you enjoy it!

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